The leggy lass Shikha Singh, has been entertaining us with her stunning performance as an antagonist Alia in Zee TV's 'Kumkum Bhagya'. The actress recently got injured during the on-going season of 'Box Cricket League'. When an entertainment portal contacted Shikha, she confirmed the news of her injury. She strained her neck muscle while trying to hit a six in the match. Khush toh Bahut hongi baaki ki teams aaj. Aur maaro chhake #wearerowdies #RowdyBangalore #marinatingfilms #Colorstv @rowdybangalore @colorstv A photo posted by Shikha singh (@shikha_singh7) on Mar 11, 2016 at 3:26am PST She got hospitalized and have to tie a band around her neck. The doctor has advised her to take rest for...